On December 2,2008 in Moscow under the patronage of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and with the support of the Russian – Arabic Business Council the Russian – Bahrain Business Forum took place, commemorated to the official visit of the King of Bahrain Hamad Ben Isa Al Halifa to the Russian Federation. Russian and Bahraini businesses took part in the Forum.
In his greeting speech the minister of industry and trade of Bahrain Hasab Ben Abdalla Fahro stated that he put high hopes on the results of the present Forum as he considered that Russian and Bahraini businessmen had vast space for cooperation.
The Chairman of the board of Directors of CCI of Bahrain Isam Abdallah Fahro noted that the financial crisis notwithstanding its negative consequences is the time for actions. Today if the best time for development the bilateral trade relations. The representatives of Bahraini delegation in theirs presentations highlighted many advantages for foreign investors in Bahrain, such as favourable tax regime, equal terms and conditions for native and foreign businesses and law costs of operations.
Deputy Minister of economic development of the Russian Federation S. Voskresenskiy in his speech informed the foreign guests of the possibilities of making business in Russia. He also noted that Russia has a most liberal currency regime. And in future a special attention on the part of the state will be made to the private – public partnerships.
Special attention was raised by the presentation of the chairman of the Board of Directors of the bank “Ismar” Mr. Haled Djanahi. In his speech he proclaimed the intention to open an Islamic bank in Russia with a branch of it in Bahrain .
In the Forum Russia Mufties Council was represented by the authorized on Halal standard Jafar Azizbaev and head of Economic programmes department Madina Kalimullina.
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