Jakarta (5/2) In respond to the positive development of Indonesia’ Islamic banking system, The President, Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has expressed his support for the acceleration growth of Islamic banking system in this country at the Festival Ekonomi Syariah (FES)- the Festival of Islamic Finance at JCC Senayan – Jakarta in the opening ceremony yesterday,(4/2).
The Islamic banking assets, in year 2003 it has increased to IDR 5.71 trillions, in year 2007 it has increased to IDR 28.1 trillions and in year 2008 it has increased to IDR 36.85 trillions.
“Apart from that the Islamic financing has grown as well, in year 2003, it was IDR 5.3 trillions, in year 2007 it was IDR 27. 94 trillions and in year 2008 increased to IDR 38.19 trillion” said the President with a nice smile.
The establishment of Islamic banking in Indonesia has reminded the President that many people was wondering whether the Islamic banking system could develop and growth and co-existed with it conventional counter part? Many people were also wondering if the Islamic economic system can be accepted by our multifaceted community?
For the President those kind of questionnaires are considered to be normal, since in so far the Indonesian community is used to deal with the conventional system, however in line with the changes and the awareness of Islamic community to have the willingness to apply the Islamic economic concept, with the support from the government in providing the opportunity wide-open, therefore the Islamic finance transactions will be rapidly developed.
“In Islamic banking system history, we must not forget the immense support from the Indonesian Council of Ulama or Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and the association of Indonesia’s Muslim scholars or Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia (ICMI), which have the initiative of establishing and developing the Islamic Financial Institution in Indonesia, by assisting the establishment of Baitulmaal Waa Tamwil (BMT), Islamic banks, and Islamic insurances” exclaimed the President.
In line with the development of Islamic banking system, the President urged the Islamic Bankers to positively respond to the growth of Islamic banking system as one supporting aspect to the National economic and hope that Islamic banking system is still supporting the production sector. (Agus Y/Nibra www. pkeinteraktif.com)
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